Welcome Students, Parents, and Community!

A place where students and parents are invited to learn together with an online community!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Bell Work- ALL Classes

Each day, when you first enter my classroom there will be bellwork posted on the white board. You are to write the question and the answer on your spiral bound notebook that is designated specifically for this. At the end of each week I will post the week's questions in case you were out of my class for any reason. This will also help you to double check and make sure you have them all by the end of the semester. We will go over these each day in class. All of these questions are used to help review for the graduation exams. Remember this counts for 10% of your final grade.

Monday- Q:What term was used to describe the exchange of crops, plants, animals, and diseases between Europe and the Native Americans?
A: Columbian Exchange

Tuesday- Q: What were Spanish explorers called?
A: Conquistadors

Wednesday- Q: What European movement resulted in new art, technology, and a "return to the classics"?
A: The Renaissance

Thursday- Q: What European movement resulted in the rise of Protestant religion and who was the leader?
A: Protestant Reformation & Martin Luther

Friday- Q: What was the name if the first permanent European settlement in the America's?
A: St. Augustine, Florida in 1565.

CNN Daily Student News

Homework Assignment #5
-Watch today's video & Answer the following questions. Bring to class tomorrow!

1. What are some of the issues going on in Japan that directly relate to the most recent tsunami?

2. Will our government shutdown? How does this affect you and why is it important? What will happen if it does shutdown?

3. How has the cost of driving increased since last year? Does this affect you or your parents in any way? What are the causes of the cost continuing to rise?  What can you do to help your own situation?

4. Who invented the newest "space toy"? How does it work and how much did it cost?

5. What would you do? Would you work for less than minimum wage just to have a job? Why or why not?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Classroom Procedures

These standing rules apply to all of my classes.

1. Always be on time.
2. Come prepared to class each day with your textbook, notebook, and writing utensils.
3. Raise your hand before speaking.
4. Treat yourself and others with respect.
5. Follow all procedures according to the student handbook.

CNN Student News

Once a week as an homework assignment, you will be required to watch the CNN Student News video that is posted on our blog. The assignment constists of:
- Watch the Student news video.
- Post a comment that consists of at least 2 paragraphs or more giving me your opinion. In this response you must provide a supporting arguement for your opinion. You may give supporting links in these if you would like. :)
-These are to be posted by 10:00 p.m. on the date assigned. It will be counted late at 10:01 p.m. This means you will loose 5 points. Which means you can only make as high as a 95 on each assignment.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Happy First Week of School!

Welcome back everyone! I am so excited to have each of you in my class this year and look forward to getting to know each student and your families. I will be updating this blog with very important information about  events going on in our classroom. Parents, this hopefully will be useful for us both in building relationships and keeping you on the same page. Students, we will be using this for many different things throughout the year. Take some time and look around and make yourself familar with this blog. We will discuss more in class next week!
On this blog there will be several different pages, because I teach four different classes. Be sure to find your class, for class information, but all important general information will be posted on our home page. Along with this blog we will be using our classroom website as well. We will dicuss in great detail both of these in class and at our parent meeting this Thursday night 8/9 at 7:00 p.m. I look forward to seeing you there!