Welcome Students, Parents, and Community!

A place where students and parents are invited to learn together with an online community!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Happy First Week of School!

Welcome back everyone! I am so excited to have each of you in my class this year and look forward to getting to know each student and your families. I will be updating this blog with very important information about  events going on in our classroom. Parents, this hopefully will be useful for us both in building relationships and keeping you on the same page. Students, we will be using this for many different things throughout the year. Take some time and look around and make yourself familar with this blog. We will discuss more in class next week!
On this blog there will be several different pages, because I teach four different classes. Be sure to find your class, for class information, but all important general information will be posted on our home page. Along with this blog we will be using our classroom website as well. We will dicuss in great detail both of these in class and at our parent meeting this Thursday night 8/9 at 7:00 p.m. I look forward to seeing you there!

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