Each day, when you first enter my classroom there will be bellwork posted on the white board. You are to write the question and the answer on your spiral bound notebook that is designated specifically for this. At the end of each week I will post the week's questions in case you were out of my class for any reason. This will also help you to double check and make sure you have them all by the end of the semester. We will go over these each day in class. All of these questions are used to help review for the graduation exams. Remember this counts for 10% of your final grade.
Monday- Q:What term was used to describe the exchange of crops, plants, animals, and diseases between Europe and the Native Americans?
A: Columbian Exchange
Tuesday- Q: What were Spanish explorers called?
A: Conquistadors
Wednesday- Q: What European movement resulted in new art, technology, and a "return to the classics"?
A: The Renaissance
Thursday- Q: What European movement resulted in the rise of Protestant religion and who was the leader?
A: Protestant Reformation & Martin Luther
Friday- Q: What was the name if the first permanent European settlement in the America's?
A: St. Augustine, Florida in 1565.