In this class, each of you will travel the world. You have $20,000 in the bank. Where do you go? How do you get there? Where will you stay and what would you eat?
You will develop a travel itinerary that includes all of your travel details and your budget. You must travel starting from the Atlanta International Airport and travel across 3 different continents. Returning to somewhere in the continental United States. While you are on each continent you must visit at least 2 historical places.
Your itinerary must be typed and all information provided. You will not need to purchase anything. When doing research get as much information as you can get without having to purchase ANYTHING. Everything will remain in U.S.Dollars.
For example:
Start: Atlanta International Airport
Fly to Munich Germany- 81/2 hour flight & 2 hour layover $1200.00
Munich to Frankfurt Germany- 2 hour flight from Munich $350.00
Archeological Gardens in Frankfurt- $150 per day
This is a rough example, we will discuss more details of this assignment in class.